sbf :)
hb - good point.
i have never reviewed a product before, but having purchased a hitachi 50 inch full hd lcd tv at the weekend, i thought i'd share my experience.
hitachi tv's are now made in turkey, and not by the hitachi company.
the uk's sole supplier is the argos company.
sbf :)
hb - good point.
i have never reviewed a product before, but having purchased a hitachi 50 inch full hd lcd tv at the weekend, i thought i'd share my experience.
hitachi tv's are now made in turkey, and not by the hitachi company.
the uk's sole supplier is the argos company.
I have never reviewed a product before, but having purchased a Hitachi 50 inch Full HD LCD TV at the weekend, I thought I'd share my experience.
Hitachi TV's are now made in Turkey, and not by the Hitachi company. The UK's sole supplier is the Argos company. Alarm bells should have rung in my head when I walked into the store and saw the various makes of beautiful looking TV's on display - but not a Hitachi to be seen anywhere.
Having paid for the TV and declined the "exhortation" to pay extra for damage protection, I took the thing home and set it up. Picture quality and colours were not good, but the speaker quality was on a different level - it was dire! I've never heard such terrible audio on a TV in my life. Rant Review over.
If only I'd listened to my instincts - or even better - read this review before purchasing. As the review summary describes the "plus" aspects, "It's cheap and it's big."
a few things about this video:.
it's very nice that they managed to host a convention for the russian brothers and sisters, and that they all got fed.
18 'plane tickets - "thanks to Jehovah's undeserved kindness." (oh, forgot to include - cell 'phone calls, unpaid workers at the HQ Travel desk, the internet, and smart 'phone capability to receive 'plane tickets) God really works in mysterious ways. Even many active J.W's are going to be cringing at this propaganda, and the photo of the eighteen grinning parasitic charlatans at the airport will just make them nauseous.
i reckoned that a comment by muddy waters in his latest post deserved a separate consideration - especially for active/fading j.w.'s..
's who called on him, parroted out the org's message of doom from 2 timothy 3:1-5 to remind him how bad the world is and that it showed that we are living in the last days.. a former elder/p.o.
once told me that he hated it every time the wtbts falsely applied these verses to the 20-21st century.
Xanthipipe - I think that's what the aforementioned scriptures are saying.
i put this under the "scandal" section because it is both a scandal how the wtbts can flaunt its evil hypocrisy and an even bigger scandal that the u.n. and governments in general turn a blind eye to the treatment inflicted on anyone who questions or challenges the org's teachings and practices.
"the right to change religions is supported by the universal declaration of human rights, which the united nations has called “the foundation of international human rights law.”......of course, these rights carry with them the obligation to respect the rights of others both to maintain their beliefs and to reject ideas that they disagree with.
pbrow - Everyone has a right and freedom to choose whether or not to speak to another individual/member of their family, but that right is a world away from being people being compelled and terrorised not to, by an organization's threats.
It's time governments dealt with such systemic human rights violations.
i reckoned that a comment by muddy waters in his latest post deserved a separate consideration - especially for active/fading j.w.'s..
's who called on him, parroted out the org's message of doom from 2 timothy 3:1-5 to remind him how bad the world is and that it showed that we are living in the last days.. a former elder/p.o.
once told me that he hated it every time the wtbts falsely applied these verses to the 20-21st century.
Xanthipipe - I'm expressing what the scriptures say. The corruption of the Christian congregation - not the world -was anticipated and described, as well as the outcome.
Hence the reason for Peter's words regarding the house of God being judged first. The "house of God" clearly indicates all those who claim to be Christian. (if it only means J.W. Christians, then their org is in big trouble!) Cross-reference 1 Peter 4:17 with 2 Thessalonians 2:4 - "He stands in opposition and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits down in the temple of God, publicly showing himself to be a god" as well as Revelation chapters 2 & 3. Verse 22 of chapter 2 reveals that Christ will inflict a great tribulation on those corrupting the Christian congregation - the exact same tribulation which is referred to in context soon after at Revelation 7:14. (the G.B.'s foretold G.T. is debunked)
i reckoned that a comment by muddy waters in his latest post deserved a separate consideration - especially for active/fading j.w.'s..
's who called on him, parroted out the org's message of doom from 2 timothy 3:1-5 to remind him how bad the world is and that it showed that we are living in the last days.. a former elder/p.o.
once told me that he hated it every time the wtbts falsely applied these verses to the 20-21st century.
Sorry Muddy - my bad!
i put this under the "scandal" section because it is both a scandal how the wtbts can flaunt its evil hypocrisy and an even bigger scandal that the u.n. and governments in general turn a blind eye to the treatment inflicted on anyone who questions or challenges the org's teachings and practices.
"the right to change religions is supported by the universal declaration of human rights, which the united nations has called “the foundation of international human rights law.”......of course, these rights carry with them the obligation to respect the rights of others both to maintain their beliefs and to reject ideas that they disagree with.
A considerable amount of new forum members and lurking J.W.'s who haven't officially signed up will not have seen that discussion. It's good to repeat some previous posts in order to benefit such ones, as well as potential J.W. recruits. The JW web page is still prominent - let's do the same with our shaming them for it.
i put this under the "scandal" section because it is both a scandal how the wtbts can flaunt its evil hypocrisy and an even bigger scandal that the u.n. and governments in general turn a blind eye to the treatment inflicted on anyone who questions or challenges the org's teachings and practices.
"the right to change religions is supported by the universal declaration of human rights, which the united nations has called “the foundation of international human rights law.”......of course, these rights carry with them the obligation to respect the rights of others both to maintain their beliefs and to reject ideas that they disagree with.
I put this under the "Scandal" section because it is both a scandal how the WTBTS can flaunt its evil hypocrisy and an even bigger scandal that the U.N. and governments in general turn a blind eye to the treatment inflicted on anyone who questions or challenges the org's teachings and practices.
"The right to change religions is supported by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the United Nations has called “the foundation of international human rights law.”......Of course, these rights carry with them the obligation to respect the rights of others both to maintain their beliefs and to reject ideas that they disagree with."
i reckoned that a comment by muddy waters in his latest post deserved a separate consideration - especially for active/fading j.w.'s..
's who called on him, parroted out the org's message of doom from 2 timothy 3:1-5 to remind him how bad the world is and that it showed that we are living in the last days.. a former elder/p.o.
once told me that he hated it every time the wtbts falsely applied these verses to the 20-21st century.
I reckoned that a comment by Muddy Waters in his latest post deserved a separate consideration - especially for active/fading J.W.'s.
He said that one of the J.W.'s who called on him, parroted out the org's message of doom from 2 Timothy 3:1-5 to remind him how bad the world is and that it showed that we are living in the last days.
A former elder/P.O. once told me that he hated it every time the WTBTS falsely applied these verses to the 20-21st century. He insisted that the apostle Paul was referring to Christians living in the 1st century - something which is acknowledged in part by the org in the Insight book. Of course they "by extension" stretch it to have it both ways - as is their usual way with interpretation of scriptures..
it-2 pp. 206-207 - Last Days
"The words “last days” or comparable expressions are sometimes used in connection with the apostasy that was to be experienced within the Christian congregation......Next Paul contrasted such corrupt persons with Timothy, who had closely followed the apostle’s teaching,.... Thus from the context it is clear that the apostle was informing Timothy well in advance about future developments among professed Christians and describing what fruitage such apostasy would finally yield. Similarly, the apostle Peter provided advance knowledge to fellow Christians about pressures from within the congregation: “There will also be false teachers among you"..... (2Pe 2:1, 2) This same warning is echoed in Jude’s words.......Furthermore, the illustration suggested that the apostasy would bear its full fruitage of wickedness during “the conclusion of the [Jewish] system of things” under Satan’s control. Reasonably, therefore, at that time [1st century] the conditions described by the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures as marking “the last days” would be in evidence on a large scale among professed Christians." (not the "world" in general)
According to scripture, the judgement starts first with the house of God (1 Peter 4:17) and not Babylon the great, as the org dictates.